Monday, July 22, 2013

Passion Project

1. How Does the Movie Speak to You?

The Passion Project reflects a part of who I am as when I first started to attend Chabot in 2005. I began with my career path in Criminal Justice as this was the career goal I intended since high school, yet due to a full time job and no longer having time to think about a any full time educational goals I felt discouraged and confused in the career path I wanted to study originally as I felt my passion for the Criminal Justice degree faded.   Once I took most of the Classes for that degree a few semesters later I needed to take a class that fell within the humanities portion that counts for transfer and graduation which the only one within the time range of my work schedule was a Mass Communication Introduction class. At this point I felt that I was missing something as the passion and enthusiasm I felt for the degree I originally started was not what I wanted to do anymore.

Once taking the Mass-Communication Class, from the first day of that class I knew that my passion had changed. I think from growing up throughout the years and also it was something I enjoyed, not just a career goal I expected to have as Criminal Justice degree was something that had been supported by my family. As our families always seems to think about economic/financial stability and that it’s something good for our future or so they think. Yet as we grow up as is said in the Passion Project film we have to wake up from the fairytale and stop dreaming and leave or passions behind. Yet I felt that after I took on the Mass communication class it influenced me to leave the Degree of Criminal Justice and take on a Mass-Communication Degree (Radio/TV/Journalism/Media/Advertising). I began to realize that I saw a new me begin to grow and new thoughts, and my entire way of seeing life had changed. My Passion for a new career path had changed which influenced my whole life and everything had begun to change around me. My family questioned this decision and yet it took them time to realize that it was something that I not just enjoyed but something I was really good at. My mother began to see projects I had done and noticed I began to work at Chabot’s TV & Radio Station and began to see I was so passionate about it that she was proud of me.

2. What is the connection between passion and poverty?

Passion is something you fall in love with as you enjoy it and feel so great about doing it.  And sometimes people believe that we must do things that we may not be passionate about in order to have a high economic standing. But sometimes no mater how much money we may have or power, we can be poor in not having the things we love. Poverty is not having things we may need to survive or live and to be happy with but realistically, in life we may have a high education and a good career path but some people may not be happy with their lives and are poor within the means of not having love, a good family or even good vibes around them.

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